Unlike many NETMF developers I do not have a degree in electrical engineering. I'm a software guy. In all disclosure, I did spend three years studying EE at TTU before deciding to change to computer science so I do have a little more understanding of electronics than your average bear but I've never practiced it professionally and a lot of the language used in the NETMF forums and literature is a bit alien to me. So, as I work through this project and figure some of these things out I'm going to try and explain them as simply as possible to others such as myself. I believe the popularity of NETMF is only going to grow and one of the biggest set of new users is going to be software developers similar to myself and young roboticists. Both groups I believe will benefit.

I don't want to give up too much too soon on my plans for the project since I don't even know for sure that it will ever even leave the ground. So, for now there are two parts to this project:
- Build a NETMF controlled quadcopter
- Build a NETMF based remote control.
I've decided to name my copter the Omnicopter - the copter with many propellers and many functions.
Unfortunately, it seems the only place you can really get the copter motors and other R/C parts is from Hong Kong (HobbyKing.com). So, there is a 4-6 week wait for parts. Ugg. I've ordered the motors and other R/C parts and they're on their way. While I wait for them to arrive, I'm doing some basic things with parts I can either acquire locally or order from the U.S. that arrive in a few days. I'm building the basic frame for the copter & figuring out some basic wireless communications and protocols that I want to use and playing with LEDs when I get tired of doing the real work. I'll cover all these things in future blog posts. Let's go have some fun!
very good
Thanks, Leblali.
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